
The following sample evaluation should summarize all pertinent information given in the above text.
A 45-year-old Caucasian female presents for evaluation of a swelling in her lower lip. The swelling has been present for 1 month.

Her past medical history is remarkable for several anginal attacks during the past 4 years. The angina is being treated with nitroglycerins only when necessary. Patient is not taking any daily medications. No history of any other cardiovascular disease. No chest pains for the past 6 months. ROS findings are noncontributory.
Examination reveals a 2 mm × 2 mm hard nonmovable pea-shaped lesion 10 mm medial to the right lip commisure and 5 mm inferior to the vermilion border. The lesion is consistent with a traumatic injury of a minor salivary gland.
Patient has been advised that the lesion may resolve by itself or the she can have it surgically removed with local anesthesia.
Any dental treatment of this patient needs to address her cardiovascular condition.